
Welcome to saymore: A Virtual Mental Wellness Community Where Your Voice Matters

#yourvoicematters #mentalhealthblog #vote2024 #community

Hi everyone,


Welcome to the saymore blog! I'm Stephanie, the founder of saymore, this virtual mental wellness community. When launching saymore, I wanted to create a space where people can engage in nuanced, meaningful conversations and support one another. 


Today, I want to talk about something super important—voting. With November steadily approaching, using our voices to make a difference by voting in the general election is crucial.


You might feel a bit disillusioned or overwhelmed by the current political climate. I get it–it’s a weird time. For many, the American flag might not symbolize the same ideals it once did. But between Millennials and Gen Z, we make up the largest percentage of eligible voters in this general election. Our generations care deeply about social issues and making a positive impact, but it can feel like our efforts are futile when faced with the vastness of the challenges we want to tackle.


​​Just last night, I was talking with my girlfriend and asked her which social cause she felt most passionate about. I listed a few examples: intersectional feminism, queer rights, gun control, healthcare for all, education. She couldn’t choose just one and we ended up passionately discussing each topic! We shared a laugh, realizing how difficult it is to focus on just one issue when so many are important. The vast access to information makes it nearly impossible to ignore these matters, many of which are literally about life and death.


Turns out that in most of my conversations with loved ones, there's a recurring theme of feeling swamped by the volume and variety of issues. Emotions are high; change feels like it takes forever. The gravity and sheer amount of information out there can be paralyzing. It’s easy to feel that as one person, your vote doesn’t matter. Or that maybe, opting out of voting is easier because you don’t feel knowledgeable or affected enough. But your vote does matter.


Voting is one of the most powerful tools we have to shape our future. Even when the system is frustrating, your vote is a way to stand up for what you believe in, to push for progress, and to hold those in power accountable. Every vote counts, and it’s okay if you don’t know much about politics. Let’s have conversations and help each other.


I’ve compiled a list of reasons why your vote in this general election matters, especially now:


Your Vote In the General Election Is Your Voice

We’ve lived through significant events like the Russian hack, the insurrection, and the Supreme Court overturning long-standing policies. These include major policy changes that infringe on marginalized communities’ basic rights and freedoms. Events like these show how much impact a single election can have. It’s scary, but it also means that your vote can be used for good.


Don't Let Apathy Win

Older generations often rely on young voter apathy to maintain the status quo. Prove them wrong! Today’s youth are the ones who will live with the consequences of today's decisions. Everyone’s active participation is essential for creating a future we want to live in. By showing up at the polls and voting in the general election, young people send a powerful message that we’re engaged, informed, and determined to shape a better world. 


Progress Takes Time

Remember, progress isn’t always linear. Former President Obama (side note, I miss him) once said that progress can often feel like steps both forward and backward. That’s why we have to keep going. Every movement in history has faced setbacks, but history shows us that peoples’ persistence and resilience ultimately drive progress forward.


We’re Not Alone In The Fight

In my work to champion wellness, I meet so many dedicated people across industries —law, finance, social work, education, healthcare—who are working tirelessly to make the world a better place. Change is happening, even if it’s not always visible or looks turtle-slow. Every day, countless people are making differences big and small to work toward a fairer, more just society. By voting in the general election, you can contribute to a collective movement for positive change.


As a virtual wellness community, we at saymore believe in representation, freedom, equality, and justice. While no politician may perfectly align with all our ideals, not giving into ignorance and apathy is so important. Many heroes before us have fought for our right to vote, and we owe it to them and to each other to keep exercising that right. Vote for yourself, and if not, then vote for others who can’t.


Empowerment Through Community

One of saymore’s core values is creating a sense of community where we can discuss nuanced topics in a safe space. Voting is another way to empower ourselves and those around us. When we vote, we help ensure that our communities are represented and that our collective voice is heard. So, view saymore as another space to explore these issues together, ask questions, and share your experiences with a like-minded, diverse community. Knowledge is power.


Overcoming Feelings of Hopelessness

It’s easy to feel discouraged or even hopeless at times when the challenges ahead of us seem overwhelming. But remember, every major movement in history has faced similar feelings of despair. But through solidarity and persistence, people have still achieved remarkable changes. By voting, you signal that you still believe in the possibility of a better future. And that is such a beautiful and important thing to keep putting out into the world. 


A Call to Action 

So, I encourage you to please vote this November. Our voices matter. Share your thoughts, your feelings, and your motivations with us in the comments. Why are you voting, or why are you struggling with the decision? Let’s discuss and support each other through this. Use saymore’s virtual mental wellness community as a way to exchange ideas, ask the hard questions, and push for meaningful discussion.


And be sure to join any election threads to share your POV, ask questions, and/or learn more about the issues at stake this November and beyond. 


Your experiences and perspectives matter, and by sharing them, we can continuously learn from one another and grow stronger as a virtual mental wellness community.


Thank you for being part of our community, and for contributing your valuable thoughts, experiences, and questions. Let’s make our voices heard. 




About saymore

saymore is a virtual mental wellness community that helps people with shared curiosities, challenges, and goals find each other. Built on trust, saymore users can build and join supportive communities, discuss nuanced topics in safe spaces, and explore helpful products and services. For more information, visit saymoreco.com or @saymoreco on Instagram.


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