
Why aren't good men and women finding each other when dating?


Whenever anyone says that dating sucks nowadays, a lot of people agree with it, with both sides (men and women) struggling with different issues.

Men will talk about having a quantity issue, where we'll talk about getting nothing but constant rejection in spite of building ourselves up to be a person with a lot of attractive qualities.

Women talk about having a quality issue where they're always getting offers, but all these men are typically not very good for reasons that can include hygiene, dishonesty with intentions, etc.

The thing is that these 2 things are pretty contradictory, since a lot of women are talking about how the bar is the floor and having basic hygiene and manners puts you way above everyone else, and men are talking about how they've put in a ton of effort to way exceed the bar and still aren't getting anything.

Why are these 2 groups of people finding each other?


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