
Why do we always have to focus on the next big thing?

#marriage #relationships #anxiety

I recently got engaged which is super exciting - I’m so happy that I found the love of my life and it’s been so amazing feeling all of the love and celebration from our family and friends. BUT the next question is always - “when is the wedding” and you know soon it’ll be “when are you having kids”? It feels like it’s a never ending check list that people expect you to follow. These societal norms feel so exhausting to me - I want to live my life and go at my own pace. My partner and I don’t even know if we want kids and if we do it won’t be for a long time. I don’t even want to have a wedding at all - I wish we could elope and be done with it - but of course that’s frowned upon by family. Even though I want to put myself and my needs first, I struggle with the guilt of disappointing people around me, especially our families. My therapist has told me in the past that since I suffer from anxiety I should focus on the present, but it makes it even harder when everyone around me is trying to fast track my life. Anyone else experience this? How do you respond to people politely who are asking the “normal” questions?


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